An ultrasound-guided breast biopsy uses sound waves to help locate a lump or abnormality and remove a tissue sample for examination under a microscope. It is less invasive than surgical biopsy, leaves little to no scarring and does not involve exposure to ionizing radiation.
Tell your doctor about any recent illnesses or medical conditions and whether you have any allergies, especially to anesthesia. Discuss any medications you’re taking, including herbal supplements and aspirin. You will be advised to stop taking aspirin or blood thinner three days before your procedure. Leave jewelry at home and wear loose, comfortable clothing. You may be asked to wear a gown. If you are to be sedated, plan to have someone drive you home afterward.

Radiofrequency Ablation of Thyroid Nodules
ServicesRadiofrequency (RF) ablation has been gaining popularity as a minimally invasive treatment for benign thyroid nodules regardless of the extent of the solid component. RF ablation of benign nodules demonstrated efficient volume reductions, while solving nodule-related clinical problems.
In brief, RF ablation uses the heat generated from high-frequency alternating electric current oscillating between 200 and 1200 kHz . The RF waves passing through the electrode agitate tissue ions around the electrode, and they increase the temperature (by frictional heat) within the tumor tissue, thus resulting in the destruction of tumor located very close, that is, within a few millimeters, to the electrode. In addition to the frictional heat, conduction heat from the ablated area can result in relatively slower damage of the tumor or to tissue remote from the electrode tip. This process of thermal injury secondary to friction and conduction heat is the basic mechanism of RF ablation.

Radiofrequency Ablation Therapy for Varicose Veins
ServicesVenous insufficiency resulting from superficial reflux because of varicose veins is a serious problem that usually progresses inexorably if left untreated. When the refluxing circuit involves failure of the primary valves at the saphenofemoral junction, treatment options for the patient are limited, and early recurrences are the rule rather than the exception.

Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE)
ServicesUterine fibroid embolization (UFE) is a procedure done by a radiologist. It blocks blood flow to fibroids in the uterus. (It is also called uterine artery embolization.) For women who are not planning a pregnancy in the future, UFE is a possible option in place of surgery for fibroids.
Follow your doctor's instructions exactly about when to stop eating and drinking, or your procedure may be canceled. If your doctor has instructed you to take your medicines on the day of your procedure, do so using only a sip of water. About an hour before the procedure, you may be given asedative to help you relax. It will not put you to sleep, because it is important that you be awake to follow instructions during the procedure.